Our Real Professors will assist you by writing and revising your project, performing comprehensive data analysis, and mentoring you every step of the way. Our objective is to support your success today and tomorrow in accordance with your personal and professional goals. Our Real Professors will work on your project until it is approved by your chair or mentor, committee members, and dean. Our Real Professors have never failed to meet a milestone or deadline for their doctoral candidates when involved in a project from scratch and they excel at the comprehensive revitalization of dissertations requiring fixing, revision, or re-writing at any level of rigor.
Topic Development
The real professors at Real Professors® contribute to the academic literature regularly by way of peer-reviewed articles in the fields of management, leadership, nursing, education, public administration, and social work.​
They publish quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods research. Accordingly, the real professors at Real Professors® are highly qualified to help you develop a topic for your dissertation or capstone project that is (a) problem-driven, (b) original, (c) feasible given publicly available data collection instruments and data, (d) per your preferred research design and methods, and (d) appropriate to your doctoral degree program and specialization.
The real professors at Real Professors® understand the precise way to develop Chapter 1 so that your dissertation or capstone project chair approve it well before the end of your course. They understand how to help you align perfectly your problem, research question, purpose, and theoretical or conceptual framework – on the first draft. When starting before or at the beginning of the Chapter 1 or Section 1 course, the real professors at Real Professors® have never had a client fail to meet a milestone or deadline for their doctoral candidates.
Literature Review
The real professors at Real Professors® know the academic literature to which you want to contribute with your dissertation or capstone backwards and forwards, already. They are prolific authors of peer-reviewed journal articles and therefore can complete your literature review much faster than non-professors who do not publish regularly. The real professors at Real Professors® will ensure that your literature review (a) has clear decision rules for including and excluding articles, (b) has a comprehensive search strategy specifying all keywords, keyword combinations, and research databases, (c) is presented in such a way that it demonstrates the knowledge gap you are to fulfill with your dissertation or capstone project, and (d) is presented in such a way that it leads clearly and logically to your preferred research design and methods. When starting before or at the beginning of the Chapter 2 or Section 2 course, the real professors at Real Professors® have never failed to meet a milestone or deadline for their doctoral candidates.
Conceptual Framework, Theoretical Framework, or Applied Framework
Your framework is one of the most important decisions to make for your dissertation or capstone project. Your framework will inform the questions you use to develop your survey, semi-structured interview protocol, unstructured phenomenological interview protocol, and/or focus group protocol. If your framework is not perfectly aligned with your problem, research question, and purpose, your proposal will not be approved and you will not be able to apply for IRB approval. The real professors at Real Professors® have an intimate and intuitive understanding of all of the seminal theories that must inform the framework for your dissertation or capstone. Don’t leave this decision up to a non-professor who does not publish regularly! The real professors at Real Professors® can help you develop the theoretical foundation or conceptual framework so that it gets approved on the first draft.
Research & Design Methods
The real professors at Real Professors® actually teach quantitative and qualitative methods at the doctoral level. For quantitative dissertations or capstone projects, they understand what statistical tests are required to validly test your hypotheses. The real professors at Real Professors® always test for the assumptions of linearity, homoscedasticity, and normality before performing your t-test, ANOVA, MANOVA, correlations, linear multiple regression, or non-parametric versions thereof. For qualitative dissertations and capstone projects, the real professors at Real Professors® are experts in thematic coding, categorization, and theme and subtheme development for qualitative descriptive studies and case studies. They are also experts in interpretive phenomenological analysis for phenomenology dissertations and capstones exploring the lived experiences of your study participants. The real professors at Real Professors® have mastery in the latest versions of SPSS, Stata, R, NVivo, Atlas.ti, MAXQDA, and other data analysis software.
Instrument Development
The real professors at Real Professors® have spent their careers conducting original research to get tenure at their home universities. Which makes them ideal for helping you develop your survey instrument or interview protocol. The real professors at Real Professors® are knowledgeable of all of the previously-validated survey measures in management, leadership, psychology, education, social work, and public administration. They are also experts in developing professional semi-structured interview protocols, phenomenology protocols, and focus group protocols. The real professors at Real Professors® are regular expert reviewers for the instruments used by doctoral students at the major online doctoral programs.
Data Analysis & Results
Understanding and articulating what the results of your dissertation or capstone project mean for theory and practice is oftentimes a stumbling block for the doctoral candidate. And this is okay! It takes a long career in academic to grasp the implications of empirical results. Which is precisely why you need the real professors at Real Professors®. They will help you to articulate in a succinct, logical, and clear manner how your results (a) confirm and/or extend extant theory and (b) inform the everyday practice of your unit of observation, e.g., nurses, teachers, managers in companies, non-profit managers, social workers, government employees, leaders, counseling psychologists. The real professors at Real Real Professors® will Zoom mentor you through every statistic (for quantitative results) and every code, category, and theme (for qualitative results). They will even walk you step-by-step through the analysis using SPSS and NVivo (for quantitative and qualitative analyses, respectively).
Implications for Theory & Practice
Understanding and articulating what the results of your dissertation or capstone project mean for theory and practice is oftentimes a stumbling block for the doctoral candidate. Which is perfectly understandable. It takes a long career in academia to grasp the implications of empirical results. Which is precisely why you need the real professors at Real Professors®. They will be able to help you articulate - in your presentations and in your writing - how your results (a) confirm and/or extend extant theory and (b) inform the everyday practice of your unit of observation, e.g., nurses, teachers, managers in companies, non-profit managers, social workers, government employees, leaders, counseling psychologists.
Recommendations & Conclusion
Your recommendations for future research and practice must be (a) a logical extension of the implications for theory and practice, respectively and (b) both clear and actionable. For example, if the implications of your results for theory is that you have tested and confirmed the theory for a new population and sample, then you must articulate other contexts and samples that have yet to be used for tests of your theory. Or, if your results actually extend theory by including new predictor variables, then you must recommend the appropriate research design and methods for future testing of your extended theory. And for practice, you must articulate specific steps and procedures to follow so that professionals in your field can follow them to alleviate the problem that motivated your dissertation or capstone project in the first place. That said, your recommendations must be so clear and actionable that there is no question what other researchers and practitioners in your field must do based on your results. The real professors at Real Professors® regularly consult for private firms, non-profits, schools, and government in addition to being scholars, mentors, and teachers. They have completed projects for the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, World Bank, Battelle Corp., and corporations. The real professors at Real Professors® are experts at helping you to understand and articulate clear and actionable recommendations to scholars, practitioners, and leaders alike.
Free Template Formatting, APA, Reciteworks, Turnitin, & Grammarly
The real professors at Real Professors® thoroughly understand and follow all of the doctoral templates, checklists, rubrics, and APA requirements for the major online doctoral programs. They always use ReciteWorks, Grammarly, and TurnitIn to make certain that your first draft is approval-ready. When you hire Real Professors® for a chapter or section of your dissertation or capstone project, all formatting per your program’s template and per APA is FREE!!