Getting Started
The first step is for you to meet (via Zoom or telephone) with one or more of the real professors with Real Professors to learn the following:
Your degree program and “on-time” graduation date
The stage of your dissertation or applied project you are at
Your next deliverable and due date
Whether you have any drafts for us to review and potentially start with
Your concerns and questions
Step two entails your real professor(s) developing a specific, step-by-step plan to follow to ensure that you will complete your dissertation or applied project as efficiently and effectively as possible. The project plan will include the following:
• Specific information for each step, e.g., your general research question, knowledge gap, conceptual framework or theory, design and methods for sampling, data collection, and data analysis.
• Delivery due dates by which your real professor(s) will send you each chapter or section of your dissertation or applied project. Of course, the dates may change if a lot of time passe4s between development of the plan and you deciding to work with Real Professors.
• Terms of the plan including all revisions until approval (unless something dramatic changes, like the topic or research question or design), due dates for revisions, and dates for Zoom or telephone meetings with your real professor(s).
• Recommendations on how best to work with your real professor to ensure completing of your dissertation as efficiently and effectively as possible. For example, your real professor may write an email for you to send to your dissertation chair or project mentor asking for clarification about a revision request.
• Pricing and payment schedule.
Once you receive the Real Professors project plan for your dissertation or applied project, you will meet once again (via Zoom or telephone) with your real professor(s) so he or she or they can walk you through the plan, answer all of your questions, and so forth.
Undoubtedly you will be shopping around for your dissertation editor. Even if you decide not to work with Real Professors, the project plan we develop for you is yours to keep and implement. We will not use it for anyone else, ever. And, even if you are working with another academic consultancy, we are happy to advise you still, via Zoom or telephone, to ensure that you are getting the work that you are paying for. We’re always here to help, even if you are not a client per se. We’re not a big company and
Should you decide that Real Professors is the best match for you, we will begin implementing the project plan for your dissertation or applied project upon payment of half of the total fee quoted for the service. In special cases, we will work with you to develop a payment plan that requires less than half of the total fee for your real professor(s) to get started. The payment schedule for the remainder of the fee is to be agreed to on the second conference call (step 3, above).
As your real professor develops your dissertation or applied project, she or he or they will provide you with regular updates in between delivery due dates. Sometimes, your real professor will have a question that you must address. This may entail an ad hoc telephone or Zoom call, you sending an email written by your real professor to your dissertation chair or project mentor, or both. While your real professor can do all of the work, what she or he or they cannot do is interact with your chair or mentor for you. Collaboration between you and your real professor in this one regard is key.
Depending at what stage of the dissertation or applied project you are at when you begin working with your real professor(s), you may graduate after just a month with Real Professors or after 12 months. So far, every Real Professors client has graduated with his or her or their doctoral degree, on time and without having to spend additional money on tuition.